The selection results under the Call for proposals – Erasmus+ Capacity Building projects in the field of Higher Education 2019 have been published. 163 projects have been approved, out of which 142 joint projects and 21 structural projects.
Higher education institutions from Montenegro have achieved a great success in terms of the number of approved applications under the Call for proposals 2019. Nine projects have been selected for funding, with a total budget of 6.6 million euro.
The University of Montenegro is the coordinator of the three newly selected projects, but when it comes to other projects, Montenegrin higher education institutions are taking part as partners.
The University of Montenegro is the coordinator of the national project “Fostering Internationalization at Montenegrin HEIs through Efficient Strategic Planning” (IESP). The University of Donja Gorica, Mediterranean University, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, as well as partner universities from the European Union: the University of Ljubljana, the University of Cadiz and Université Côte d’Azur are also taking part in the project.
The University of Montenegro is also the coordinator of the national project “Reforming Foreign Languages in Academia in Montenegro” (ReFLAME). The University of Donja Gorica, Mediterranean University as well as EU partners (the University of Zagreb, the University of Warsaw and the University for foreigners (Perugia) are participating in the project.
In addition to two national projects, the Faculty of Law (the University of Montenegro) is the coordinator of the regional project “Legal Clinics in Service of Vulnerable Groups: Enhancing the employability of Law Students through Practical Education” (ENEMLOS). In addition to the University of Montenegro, the Supreme Court of Montenegro, the Supreme State Prosecutor’s Office, the Chamber of Advocates, the Notary Chamber, the Mediation Center, the Chamber of Public Enforcement Officers of Montenegro, as well as the University of Priština, the University Kadri Zeka (Gjilan), the University Haxhi Zeka in Peja, the Chamber of Advocates (Kosovo) and the Basic Court of Gjilan are taking part in the project. Partners from the European Union (the Regent University of London, the University of Zagreb and the Association of the Legal Clinics (Poland) are also participating in the project.
Higher education institutions from Montenegro are involved as partners in the remaining six projects. The projects cover various fields, such as: sustainable development, agriculture, ecology, entrepreneurship, cooperation between universities and economy, and geoinformatics.
Projects to be implemented at higher education institutions of Montenegro over the next three years are:
1. “Fostering Internationalization at Montenegrin HEIs through Efficient Strategic Planning”, (IESP)
2. “Sustainable development of BLUE economies through higher education and innovation in Western Balkan Countries” (BLUEWBC)
3. “Vitalising ICT Relevance in Agricultural Learning” (VIRAL)
4. “Reforming Foreign Languages in Academia in Montenegro”, (ReFLAME)
5. “Development of master curricula in ecological monitoring and aquatic bioassessment for Western Balkans HEIs” (ECOBIAS)
6. “Reconnecting universities and enterprises to unleash regional innovation and entrepreneurial activity” (KnowHub)
7. “Business driven problem-based learning for academic excellence in geoinformatics” (GEOBIZ)
8. “Legal Clinics in Service of Vulnerable Groups: Enhancing the Employability of Law Students Through Practical Education” (ENEMLOS)
9. “Higher Education–Enterprise platform for fostering, modernisation and sustainable growth in natural stone industry in Western Balkans” (BKSTONE)
The list of the all selected projects under the Call for proposals 2019 is available at the following link.